CN 41-1243/TG ISSN 1006-852X
Volume 44 Issue 6
Dec.  2024
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YANG Yong, CHEN Jiajia, LIU Songyan, YUAN Dongdong, TONG Zijie. Experimental investigation on heat transfer performance diamond nanofluid gravity heat pipe[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2024, 44(6): 825-833. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0257
Citation: YANG Yong, CHEN Jiajia, LIU Songyan, YUAN Dongdong, TONG Zijie. Experimental investigation on heat transfer performance diamond nanofluid gravity heat pipe[J]. Diamond & Abrasives Engineering, 2024, 44(6): 825-833. doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0257

Experimental investigation on heat transfer performance diamond nanofluid gravity heat pipe

doi: 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0257
More Information
  • Received Date: 2023-11-29
  • Accepted Date: 2024-04-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-03-18
  • Objectives: With the development of modern processing technology, heat accumulation has become an urgent processing problem that needs to be solved. A heat pipe is a heat exchange element that efficiently transfers heat through the gas-liquid phase change of the working fluid inside the pipe. Gravity heat pipe have advantages such as simple structure, stable operation, and low cost, and are widely used in various heat exchange scenarios in industrial production. They have played a significant role in energy conservation, the development and utilization of new energy, and in strengthening heat exchange during processing. This article prensents experimental research on diamond nanofluids, exploring the influence of different parameters on the heat transfer performance of diamond nanofluid gravity heat pipes, laying a foundation for the research and application of heat pipe technology in heat dissipation during machining processes such as drilling, milling, and grinding. Methods: The evaporation section is heated using a DC power supply and thermal resistance wire. K-type thermocouples and temperature acquisition cards are used to record the temperature of the evaporation and condensation sections of the gravity heat pipe. The influence of heating power, filling rate, nanofluid concentration, and nanoparticle size on the heat transfer performance of the gravity heat pipe is analyzed using thermal resistance R as an indicator. Results: The heat transfer performance of gravity heat pipes is investigated under a power range of 3-18 W, while maintaining a filling rate of 20% and a nanoparticle concentration of 1%. The results show that as the heating power increases, the temperatures of the evaporation and the condensation sections gradually increase, while the rise time gradually shortenes. The temperature difference between the evaporation and condensation sections shows a decreasing trend. When the heating power increases for the same concentration and filling rate of nanoparticles, the total thermal resistance shows a decreasing trend, but the magnitude of the decrease continues to decrease. Keeping the concentration of nanoparticles at 2% and the heating power at 6 W, the heat transfer performance of gravity heat pipes is investigated under conditions of filling rates of 8%, 14%, 20%, and 26%. The results show that the overall temperature of the 20 nm diamond nanofluid is higher than those of other filling rates at a 20% filling rate, while the overall temperature at a 26% filling rate is lower than at other filling rates. The overall temperature at a 26% filling rate is higher than at other filling rates. With the same mass fraction and heating power, as the filling rate increases, the total thermal resistance shows a trend of first decreasing and then increasing, with the minimum value of the total thermal resistance appearing at a filling rate of 14%. By maintaining a filling rate of 26% and a heating power of 12 W, the heat transfer performance of gravity heat pipes under 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, and 2.0% mass fraction conditions is investigated. The results show that the overall temperature of 20 nm diamond nanofluid heat pipes is the highest at a 1% mass fraction, while the overall temperature is lower at a 2.0% mass fraction. The hot-end temperature of 50 nm diamond nanofluid heat pipes is the highest at a 1.5% mass fraction, and the cold-end temperature is the lowest. At a mass fraction of 2.0%, there is a situation where the hot-end temperature is lower and the cold-end temperature is higher. With the same filling rate and heating power, as the mass fraction increases, the total thermal resistance first increases and then decreases. At a mass fraction of 2.0%, the minimum total thermal resistance will appears. In addition, for diamond nanofluids with different particle sizes, there is a trend of heat transfer capacity decreasing first and then improving with increasing mass fraction. Maintaining a filling rate of 14% and a mass fraction of 2.0%, the heat transfer performance of gravity heat pipes with particle sizes of 20 nm and 50 nm was investigated. The total thermal resistance of 50 nm diamond nanofluid gravity heat pipes was always lower than that of 20 nm diamond nanofluid gravity heat pipes. However, as the heating power increases, the advantage of 50 nm diamond nanofluid gravity heat pipes tends to weaken. Maintaining a liquid filling rate of 14% and a mass fraction of 2.0%, the heat transfer performance of gravity heat pipes with and without a liquid absorbing core was investigated. The total thermal resistance of gravity heat pipes with suction cores is lower than that of heat pipes without suction cores, but as the heating power increases, the advantage tends to weaken. Conclusions: When the mass fraction is 2.0%, gravity heat pipes have the best heat transfer performance, with a total thermal resistance increase of approximately 28.4%-64.7% compared to the maximum value. When the filling rate is 14%, the heat transfer performance is the best, and the total thermal resistance decreases by about 6.1%-8.5% compared to the maximum value. When using diamond nanofluids with a particle size of 50 nm, the overall heat transfer performance of gravity heat pipes is better than that of 20 nm. When the heating power of the power supply increases, the heat exchange performance also improves. When using a gravity heat pipe with a liquid absorbing core, its overall heat transfer performance is better than that of a gravity heat pipe without a liquid absorbing core.


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