Effect of TiN-Al system binder ratio on structure and properties of PcBN
摘要: 为研究TiN-Al体系结合剂配比对PcBN结构和性能的影响,在5.5 GPa、
1500 ℃的条件下制备PcBN。研究发现:结合剂TiN、Al与cBN反应生成BN、TiB2、TiN和AlN 4种物相。随着Al含量的提高,样品中AlN和TiB2成分占比上升,TiN成分占比下降;当TiN和Al的质量配比 < 17∶8时,样品组织内存在大量的孔洞,样品不致密。随着Al含量的提高,孔洞数量减小以至消失,样品组织变得致密;经相对密度、维氏硬度、断裂韧性、耐磨性测试,结合剂中TiN与Al质量配比为9∶16时,PcBN样品组织最为致密,综合性能最好,此时其相对密度、维氏硬度、断裂韧性和磨耗比均达到最大值,分别为99.02%、4664 HV 、6.60 MPa·m1/2和7340 。Abstract:Objectives Al and TiN are commonly used components in PcBN synthesis under high temperature and high pressure. But the existing literature studying the TiN-Al bonding system always focuses on the single property variation, such as relative density, hardness, fracture toughness, impact resistance or abrasion resistance, rather than the comprehensive performance when analyzing the samples. In this paper, the TiN-Al ratio and its effect on the structure and the comprehensive performance of PcBN is explored. Methods The raw materials for the experiment are cBN powder sized 0.5-1.0 µm and binders of TiN powder sized of 2-10 µm and Al powder sized 1-2 µm. The high-temperature and high-pressure preparation conditions are provided by a hydraulic cubic press. The sintering pressure is 5.5 GPa and the sintering temperature is 1400 ℃, with a holding time of 10 minutes to obtain the PcBN sample. After grinding, polishing and other processing steps, the material properties are tested. The phase is analyzed using an X-ray diffractometer. The binding of cBN particles with the binder and its microscopic morphology are observed using a scanning electron microscope. The actual density, the microhardness and the fracture toughness of the samples are tested separately. The wear ratio of the specimens are measured under the following conditions: an 80-mesh grit SiC grinding wheel for counter grinding, axial force of 300 N and spindle speed of 300 r/min. The wear ratio of the samples is quantified by the ratio of the wheel wear to the PcBN wear.Results It is observed that the prepared PcBN consists of 4 phases: BN, AlN, TiN, and TiB2. As the proportion of Al increases, the diffraction peak intensities of AlN and TiB2 gradually become stronger while that of TiN gradually decreases. When the content of Al increases, the number of pores decreases to zero and the material become denser. The relative density of the samples reaches its maximum value of 99.02% at 9% TiN and 16% Al. The hardness, the fracture toughness and the abrasion resistance of PcBN increase initially and then decrease as TiN content increases. Conclusions The binding agents TiN and Al react with cBN, forming four phases: BN, TiB2, TiN and AlN. As the Al ratio increases, the proportions of AlN and TiB2 increase while that of TiN decreases. The comprehensive performance of PcBN is the best when the mass ratio of TiN∶Al in the binding agent is 9∶16, leading to uniform distribution of cBN and binder and ensuring a dense PcBN sintered body. At this condition, the relative density, the Vickers hardness, the fracture toughness and the wear ratio of the PcBN sample reach the maximum values, which are 99.02%, 4664 HV, 6.60 MPa·m1/2 and7340 , respectively.-
Key words:
- PcBN /
- high temperature and high pressure /
- TiN-Al /
- ratio /
- comprehensive performance
表 1 不同结合剂质量配比制备PcBN的实验配方
Table 1. Experimental formulations for preparation of PcBN with different mass ratios of binders
编号 cBN质量分数 w1 / % TiN质量分数 w2 / % Al 质量分数w3 / % A1 75 21 4 A2 75 17 8 A3 75 13 12 A4 75 9 16 A5 75 5 20 -
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