Oxidization of diamond grits in diamond/borosilicate glass composites
摘要: 开展金刚石/铝硼硅玻璃复合材料的烧结试验,通过TG-DSC分析、XRD分析和Raman分析,研究铝硼硅玻璃熔体中金刚石的氧化反应机理。试验结果表明:烧结纯铝硼硅玻璃时,在1000 ℃以下,没有任何化学反应发生;烧结金刚石/铝硼硅玻璃复合材料时,温度高于814 °C后会发生体积膨胀、强度降低的现象;烧结温度780 ℃为最理想烧结温度,复合材料膨胀率约10%,抗折强度约39.0 MPa。在烧结温度不超过908.4 ℃时,金刚石和游离氧而非铝硼硅玻璃中的氧化物之间发生了氧化反应。Abstract: The oxidation reaction mechanism of diamond grits in diamond/borosilicate glass composites was studied. The composites were sintered at different conditions and the samples were analyzed through TG–DSC, XRD and Raman. The results showed no chemical reaction occurred when borosilicate glass was sintered below 1000 ℃. But when sintering diamond/borosilicate glass composites at temperatures above 814 ℃, there appeared volume expansion and bending strength decreasing. The volume expansion is 10% and the bending strength is 39.0 MPa when the composites are sintered at 780 ℃. Through thermodynamic analysis, XDR analysis and Raman analysis, it is found that when the sintering temperature is lower than 908.4 ℃, the diamond is oxidized by the free oxygen other than the oxides in the glass.
Key words:
- borosilicate glass /
- diamond /
- oxidation reaction mechanism
表 1 铝硼硅玻璃的化学成分
Table 1. Chemical compositions of alumino-borosilicate glass
化学组成 质量分数 ω / % SiO2 51.77 Al2O3 14.30 B2O3 16.53 (Na2O+ K2O) 17.40 -
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