Design and simulation analysis of rust removal grinding block on inner wall of elbow at constant pressure
摘要: 为除去弯管内壁在涂层前的锈层,设计3种能够作用于100 mm直径弯管的除锈用磨块(分别为磨块A、磨块B和磨块C),并对磨块进行除锈仿真来分析弯管弯曲处内壁的锈层的去除效果。通过理论计算得出3种磨块的尺寸。磨块的凹弧半径范围为65.130~74.556 mm,凹弧圆心角范围为6.97°~7.98°,凸弧半径范围为145.522~147.618 mm,凸弧圆心角范围为6.06°~6.15°。磨块上的磨粒材料选用白刚玉。利用Solidworks和Creo进行建模并导入Abaqus中进行仿真分析,在仿真过程中要保证磨块对弯管弯曲处内管壁的压力恒定。结果表明:磨块B对弯管内壁的磨削达到稳定后,凹弧磨削深度的范围为0.045~0.053 mm,平均值为0.0498 mm,算术平均偏差为0.0016 mm;磨粒率为38%的凸弧磨削深度的算术平均偏差为2.2×10−4 mm。经数据分析,磨块B的磨削比其他2种磨块的磨削稳定,其除锈效果最好。Abstract: To remove the embroidery layer on the inner wall of the elbow before coating, three kinds of grinding blocks, namely Block A, Block B and Block C, were designed to act on the 100-mm-diameter elbow. The removal result of the embroidery layer on the inner wall of the elbow bend was analyzed by using the grinding block for rust removal simulation. Firstly, the sizes of three kinds of grinding blocks were obtained by theoretical calculation. The radius and the center angle of concave arc of the block were 65.130~74.556 mm and 6.97°~7.98°, while those of convex arc were 145.522~147.618 mm and 6.06°~6.15°. The abrasive material on the grinding block was white corundum. Then, Solidworks and Creo were used for modeling and imported into Abaqus for simulation analysis. In the simulation process, it is necessary to ensure that the pressure of the grinding block on the inner wall of the elbow bend is constant and equal. Results show that when the grinding on the inner wall of the elbow by the grinding block B is stable, the range of the concave-arc grinding depth is 0.045 0~0.053 0 mm, whose average value is 0.049 8 mm and arithmetic average deviation is 0.001 6 mm. The arithmetic mean deviation of convex arc grinding depth with 38% abrasive rate is 2.2 × 10−4 mm. After data analysis, grinding stability of Block B is better than that of other two grinding blocks. It can be concluded that the rust removal effect of Block B is the best.
Key words:
- constant pressure /
- elbow pipe /
- rust removal /
- finite element simulation
表 1 磨块的参数
Table 1. Parameters of grinding block
名称 凹弧 半径${r_1}$ / mm 横坐标 $i$/ mm 纵坐标 $j$/ mm 磨削面积 ${S_1}$ / mm2 磨块A 65.130 9.312 9.312 0.234 磨块B 69.524 12.427 12.427 0.301 磨块C 74.556 15.992 15.992 0.364 名称 凸弧 半径${r_2}$/ mm 横坐标 $i'$ / mm 纵坐标$j'$ / mm 磨削面积 ${ S_2}$ / mm2 磨块A 147.618 3.127 3.127 0.727 磨块B 146.563 3.880 3.880 0.905 磨块C 145.522 4.623 4.623 1.058 表 2 压力与磨削深度数据
Table 2. Pressure and grinding depth data
序号 压力 $F$ / N 切深 ${a_{\rm{p}}}$ / mm 1 200 0.038 2 250 0.043 3 300 0.048 4 350 0.053 5 400 0.055 6 450 0.060 7 500 0.063 8 550 0.065 9 600 0.068 10 650 0.070 11 700 0.073 12 750 0.075 表 3 平均值与算术平均值
Table 3. Average and arithmetic average
类型 平均值 $a$ / mm 算术平均值 $d$ / mm 磨块A磨粒率38% 3.7×10−3 2.5×10−4 磨块A磨粒率40% 3.8×10−3 3.4×10−4 磨块A磨粒率42% 4.0×10−3 2.7×10−4 磨块B磨粒率38% 5.3×10−3 2.2×10−4 磨块B磨粒率40% 5.6×10−3 3.7×10−4 磨块B磨粒率42% 6.0×10−3 3.4×10−4 磨块C磨粒率38% 7.2×10−3 4.1×10−4 磨块C磨粒率40% 7.5×10−3 4.2×10−4 磨块C磨粒率42% 7.6×10−3 3.8×10−4 -
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