Modeling of ultra-thin diamond slice and simulation of SiC wafer cutting based on Python language
摘要: 为改善SiC晶片在切割过程中存在的边缘崩边和亚表面损伤等问题,采用Python语言与Abaqus有限元分析软件相结合的方法建立超薄金刚石切割片切割SiC晶片的模型,研究切割参数对切割过程中的切割力、切割温度、晶片切割边缘形貌、切割边缘损伤宽度以及晶片亚表面损伤深度的影响。结果表明:切割力、切割温度与切割深度正相关,切割边缘损伤程度和亚表面损伤深度存在最优值。在切割深度为6 μm时,SiC晶片的切割效果最好,其切割边缘损伤宽度为8 μm,损伤面积为4 905.56 μm2,亚表面损伤深度为10.67 μm,损伤面积为7 022.18 μm2。在切割速度为60~121 m/s的高速切割阶段,切割速度对切割力、晶片的温度、晶片切割边缘形貌及亚表面损伤均无显著影响。Abstract: To address issues like edge collapse and subsurface damage during the cutting process of SiC wafers, a model for cutting SiC wafers with ultra-thin diamond blades was established by combining Python language and Abaqus finite element analysis software. The effects of cutting parameters on cutting force, cutting temperature, wafer cutting edge morphology, cutting edge damage width and subsurface damage depth of wafer were studied. The results show that cutting force and cutting temperature are positively correlated with cutting depth, and there is an optimal value for the damage degree of the cutting edge and the subsurface damage depth. When the cutting depth is 6 μm, the cutting effect of SiC wafer is the best. The surface cutting edge damage width is 8 μm, the damage area is 4 905.56 μm2, the subsurface damage depth is 10.67 μm and the damage area is 7 022.18 μm2. In the high-speed cutting stage, where the cutting speed ranges from 60 to 121 m/s, cutting speed has no significant effect on cutting force, wafer temperature, wafer cutting edge morphology or subsurface damage.
Key words:
- SiC wafer /
- Python language /
- ultra-thin diamond slice /
- cutting parameters /
- damage
表 1 常温下SiC的物理性能参数
Table 1. Physical property parameters of SiC at room temperature
参数 取值 密度 ρ0 / (kg·m−3) 3 215 剪切模量 G / GPa 170 归一化无损强度常数 A 0.96 无损强度常数 N 0.65 归一化断裂强度常数 B 0.35 断裂强度常数 M1 1 依赖于应变率的强度常数 C 0.009 参考应变率 $ \dot{\varepsilon } $0 1 最大拉伸静水压应力 T / GPa 0.75 最大归一化无损强度 σimax 1.24 最大归一化断裂强度 σfmax 0.132 Hugoniot弹性极限下的压应力 HEL / GPa 11.7 HEL下的压应力分量 PHEL / GPa 7 弹性能转化为静水压能的损失 β 1 损伤系数 D1 0.48 损伤指数 D2 0.48 最大失效应变 $ {\stackrel{-}{\varepsilon }}_{f,\mathrm{m}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{x}}^{pl} $ 1.2 最小失效应变 $ {\stackrel{-}{\varepsilon }}_{f,\mathrm{m}\mathrm{i}\mathrm{n}}^{pl} $ 0 失效判据 FS 0.2 损伤标志 D 0 体积模量 K1 / GPa 220 第二压力常数 K2 / GPa 360 第三压力常数 K3 / GPa 0 表 2 切割过程的参数设定
Table 2. Parameter setting of cutting process
参数 类型或取值 切割片基体尺寸 0.20 mm × 0.50 mm × 0.02 mm 切割深度 ap / μm 3,6,9,12,15,18 切割速度 vs / (m·s−1) 60,76,85,91,106,121 工件尺寸 1.0 mm × 0.4 mm × 0.1 mm 初始温度 t / ℃ 20 -
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